This or That? #51

Hello fellow readers and friends! Happy Tuesday, I hope that you are doing well and enjoying your day.

For those who don’t know This or That is created by Rae over at bookmarkcronicles. Every week a bookish question is tossed out there and a choice must be made! On Fridays the topic choice winner is announced. Please head on over to her awesome blog and share some bookish love!

This Week’s Topic:

Do you (typically) read reviews of books before you read the book, after you read the book or not at all?

I am an avid book review reader. I always head over to Goodreads before I decide on which book to start and read the reviews! Usually the summaries that are given draw me closer but it is the reviews that hook me.

There have been books where the summary is so amazing sounding but the reviews aren’t too hot. I want to read as much as I can and if I can save myself the time from reading something that isn’t my cup of tea then I would much rather do that.

What about you? Review reader or no? Let’s talk about it in the comments!

-Samantha 🙂

One thought on “This or That? #51

  1. Pingback: This or That? #51 (Conclusion) | bookmarkchronicles

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