January 2019 Wrap Up

Hello fellow readers! I know I am a month late, but Happy New Year! I cannot believe we have finally finished January. This month went by slow…. very slow, but very good in terms of reading!

Life Update:

I have officially been accepted into all of the universities I applied to transfer to. This has been an exciting highlight for me. I am also still enjoying my “new” job. The learning curve was steep, but I have found a career I would love to stick with!

Book Wrap Up:

This month I read a total of 7 books/graphic novels! It was a fantastic reading month, but also a slightly sad reading month.

My sadness derives from the heartbreaking fact that I finished Oathbringer! It was everything I wanted and more. I am crushed that we don’t yet have another Stormlight Archive book, but I know the wait will be worth it.

I am all about setting goals this year and January’s goal was to read 50 pages + each day. I started with Oathbringer and worked my way through my TBR.

This month I also stumbled along Monstress, a thrilling graphic novel by Marjourie Liu and Sana Takeda. This has fast become my favorite graphic novel series. I have fallen in love with it and quickly bought every volume I could. I am slightly ashamed to admit that I could not wait for Vol. 4, but I have begun to purchase individual issues via Amazon Kindle. More to come about this series in a massive book review!

Now, for some book rating tea. Quick, grab your favorite brew and let’s sip together!

Oathbringer: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ (✨ stands for a half… yeah let’s go with that)

The Thief: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Monstress Vol. 1: Awakening ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Monstress Vol. 2: The Blood ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Monstress Vol. 3: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


This month I am back to watching The Office! I have picked up where I left off on my last re-watch. I have delved into Season Three and it brings me joy each day before I head off to work!

If you watch/watched, who is your favorite character? I must admit, I am a sucker for Dwight. He is just too funny.

Upcoming Posts:

Chitter Chatter: Let’s Talk about Reading Goals

Book Review: The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

Book Review: Monstress Vol. 1-3

Currently Reading:

The Last Wish – Andrezj Sapkowski

The Shadow of What Was Lost – James Islington

2018 Reflection / December Wrap-Up

Hello fellow readers! Happy holidays! I hope that your all doing well. I am experimenting with this new editor mode so please, bear with me!

Looking Back:

I took a little break from the blog towards the end of 2018 to focus on some big changes in my life. I completed another semester with a 4.0 and I started a new exciting job. Things are moving a mile a minute and I am trying to soak up as much down time as I possibly can.

This year was an incredible reading year for me! I accomplished my Goodreads goal of 100 books!!! It is crazy to think with everything going on that I read so much. This was the year of amazing reads, let me tell you. I even read classics! I can’t tell you the last time I did that willingly, but I have grown to appreciate them in a brand new light.

Even better, I even started to write my own book. It has been a time of trials and tribulations, but I am taking each in stride as I continue to learn. I am prepping myself to submit to a creative journal through my school… but that is a post for another day!

Favorite Posts of the Year:

This year I had some favorite posts… some of them you guys really loved too which was exciting! I am always looking to grow and reach out to more readers with new and exciting posts. This year was a time of reviews, book hauls, and book birthdays. It wouldn’t be an end of the year reflection without giving a shout-out to my favorite posts!

The Final Empire: Brandon Sanderson

The Well of Ascension: Brandon Sanderson

The Hero of Ages: Brandon Sanderson

July 2018 Wrap Up

Kingdom of Ash: Sarah J. Maas (Book Birthday)

Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag (2018)

Favorite Books of the Year:

Now for this question, the list is extensive. As previously mentioned, I have read some fantastic books this year. Instead of blubbering on about all of the tears I shed, smiles etched on my cheeks, or sassy emotions that I felt, I feel that a photo collage is the best route. Again, I cannot express how fantastic these books were! They all received 5 stars and are completely worth picking up.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has stumbled across my blog and has taken the time to give it a look. I appreciate each and everyone of you. I wish you all a very Happy 2019! May the books be ever in our favor! Happy holidays everyone!

September 2018 Wrap-Up

Hello readers! I know I say this almost every post but I do hope that you’re all doing well. Happy fall time!!!!! I am so beyond excited that we are in October. The sweaters are out, the candy corn is being consumed, and the weather is growing chilly. I am one happy girl.

Life update:

September was the a fast month for me. I am bogged down with school work and actual work at the moment. I am trying to take some time to relax this month and take a breather.

Book wrap-up:

I completed nothing of pleasure this month, but I did read two fantastic classics. First, I read a good majority of Poe’s short stories. I also read Emerson’s Nature which I already adore.



I have been jamming out to Marshmello and Bastille’s new song. I have really been loving the beat and the music video made me sob uncontrollably.

Blog Posts for September:

Escaping from Houdini: Kerri Maniscalco

The Way of Kings: Brandon Sanderson 

Currently reading:

I am still continuing on with my listening/reading of Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson! I am loving it so much so far. I am about 140 pages in and taking my time with it. Listening to it on my school/work commute makes my days brighter.

I also just picked up The Last Magician at the bookstore yesterday and I plan to start it this evening. I have heard fantastic things about it via Regan from peruseproject on YouTube. I highly suggest her channel if you like book reviews/great book vlogs!


August 2018 Wrap-Up

Hello readers! I know I say this almost every post but I do hope that you’re all doing well. August has come and gone and September is among us! It is almost fall time where I am located in the world and I am so beyond ready. My sweaters and scarfs are coming out of their pigeon holes, just waiting to be worn.

Life update:

August was a slower month for me towards the beginning and near the end it started moving at warp speed. I started school back up, so my lazy days are now filled with learning and studying.

Book wrap-up:

This month I didn’t read as much as I would like. I finished 5 books for August, all of which I loved! You by Caroline Kepnes was absolutely fantastic.

But I did finish The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson!!! It took me 2 weeks but I conquered this monster of a book. It is my largest book completed to date. A full in-depth book review is coming soon.

I also read the entire To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy from Jenny Han and I loved them so much! They were light reads after my epic fantasy extravaganza that carried me through July and part way through August.


My main obsession for this month was To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Netflix movie! I absolutely adored this movie and Noah Centineo is my celebrity crush currently.


I haven’t had too much time to find new music this month just because I have been so busy. Mainly I have just been listening to my previously made playlists.

Blog Posts for August:

You: Caroline Kepnes

Chitter Chatter Update 

Currently Reading:


So I finally got an Audible subscription so I am now able to listen to books! I have really liked it so far, so I am hoping to continue on with it. I choose to listen to Words of Radiance this month since I have a longer commute to school, and I just really couldn’t go a month without reading a Brandon Sanderson book. I have also decided to take my professor up on the extra credit book assignment and start Melville’s Moby Dick! I am 5 chapters in and I am hoping to power through.For pleasure reading this month I also picked up Lauren Owen’s The Quick. I am really liking it so far!





July 2018 Wrap-Up

Hello readers! I know I say this almost every post but I do hope that you’re all doing well. Can you believe we are already done with July?! Where has the time gone? July was a great month for reading, movies, and music which is always great.

Life update: 

Not too much surprising has happened. I am just soaking up the sun and enjoying my last remaining weeks of school free fun. We are now entering August and sadly for me school starts up. It will be a grueling semester but I will be reading some great things and I will be chronicling those times along with you all.

Book wrap-up:

This month I had the best reading time! I discovered my new favorite series and one of my favorite authors. Big shout out goes to Brandon Sanderson for making me realize epic fantasy books don’t need to scare me, but the Lord Ruler does lol. In total this month I finished 3 books, all part of the same trilogy. I also have full book reviews for each of the books so I will have those linked below if you’re interested in taking a look.

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson: 5/5 stars

Brandon Sanderson introduces readers to a world where the Dark Lord has won. Dive straight into a world of chaos and follow along with a crazy masterplan to destroy the higher power.

The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson: 5/5 stars

This is the second novel in the Mistborn trilogy so be prepared to get your mind blown!

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson: 5/5 stars

This is the third and final novel in the Mistborn era one trilogy and let me tell you… many tears will be shed.


First off we have two very different types of music that I have become obsessed with for the month of July!

Above we have the Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again album. It has been on repeat since I saw the movie when it first came out over a week or so ago. I absolutely adored the first one’s soundtrack and this one was just as amazing! Some of my favorite songs are “One Of Us” and “I Kissed the Teacher.” I have also been loving Ariana Grande’s new song God is a woman. Sooooo good!


The movie that took the cake this month was Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again. I have seen it twice so far in theatre’s and I am not at all ashamed. It was so good and I adored the characters and to see Cher on the big screen for the first time in my case was an experience. I would highly recommend it, especially if you enjoyed Mamma Mia!.


Lastly, I have found myself rewatching The Office via Netflix this month. I needed a good laugh and that show never fails to make me smile.

Blog posts for July:

The Final Empire: Brandon Sanderson

Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag (2018)

The Well of Ascension: Brandon Sanderson

Sunday Post: 7/15/18

The Hero of Ages: Brandon Sanderson

Sunday Post: 7/22/18

Book Haul: July 2018

Sunday Post: 7/29/18

Currently reading:


I am stepping into August by carrying over my July read of The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. I am taking my time and enjoying this first book!

How did your July go? What is on your currently reading list? Let me know in the comments below! I would love to hear about it!

Thank you so much for reading and I will catch you at my next post. May we all have a great new month ahead!

-Samantha 🙂

Feel free to follow my new book Twitter for more book updates and pictures of my pets!

*The featured photo was found on Pinterest. All credit goes to the original owner.

June 2018 Wrap-Up

Hello there readers! I hope that you are all doing well. This is going to be my monthly wrap up for June 2018. Can you all believe that we are already past the half-way mark for the year?! It is flying by and it is blowing my mind just how fast it is going. This post happened to fall on my usual Sunday for the Sunday Post as well, which is convenient!

Life update:

I finished my summer course and now I am fully free to relax on my off days from work. The weather where I am is not too bad, but I fear the heat is just around the corner. I received a heat advisory notice just last night detailing that higher temperatures are going to be coming soon.

I am also continuing to work on my book! I scraped the entire first draft and I am now reconstructing from its ashes. The process is fun and exciting; I haven’t wished to write like this in a very long time.

Book wrap-up:

This month I completed a total of 6 books. Those books include three re-reads of my guilt pleasure books and three new books which I am so happy with! The new books included:












Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard: 3.75/5 stars

Red Queen follows the story of a girl named Mare who is a Red. On one unfortunate day her whole life changes as she is thrust into Silver society and forced to become a pawn in the Silver lifestyle. This book is a fun and light read, with an abundance of betrayals!

Caraval by Stephanie Garber: 4.5/5 stars

Take a walk into the exciting event that is Caraval! Sisters Scarlett and Tella could not be more different. When one day Tella is kidnapped and molded into a prize for the game winner, Scarlett will stop at nothing to find and save her sister.

A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab: 5/5 stars

This is the third and final book in V.E. Schwab’s A Darker Shade of Magic trilogy. Follow Kell and Lila as they find a way to save London.

Music/T.V. Shows

This month I have been obsessed with two songs, and they couldn’t be more different.

Above we have Somebody by Chainsmokers and A Better World (Alt Version) by CHPTRS. Both of these have been on repeat since I discovered them this month and they are fantastic!! I really suggest giving A Better World (Alt Version) a listen, it is so beautiful. It is perfect to play in the background or a nice long drive. The entire album is really pretty too. Somebody is completely upbeat and a great dance song.

Blog posts for June:

Halfway Through 2018

A Study in Charlotte: Brittany Cavallaro 

Book Birthday: A Reaper at the Gates

A Darker Shade of Magic: V.E. Schwab

Caraval: Stephanie Garber

Red Queen: Victoria Aveyard

Sunday Post: 6/24/18 (The Happening)

Book Haul: June 2018

Currently reading:

I am currently reading two books but one is really standing out right now. I have finally delved into the much loved world of Brandon Sanderson and I cannot be more excited! I am over 200 pages into Mistborn and I have never been more obsessed with something. I was craving a fantasy novel and this one is not only fulfilling my craving but has only intensified my love for fantasy. Can we please talk about Vin and Kelsier??? I am in love with both of them!!

The other novel I’m currently reading is Glass Sword (Red Queen #2) by Victoria Aveyard. That book is more dystopian and I was about 50 pages in and I have put it on the back burner for now. I liked what I have read so far but I wanted to read something different since I think I burnt myself out reading the first book in like a day and a half.

What are you currently reading? How did your June go? Please let me know in the comments!! I would love to hear about it!

Thank you so much for reading and I will chat more in my next post. Have a great week ahead and take care!

-Samantha 🙂

Feel free to follow my new book Twitter for more book updates and pictures of my pets!

*The featured photo was found on Pinterest. All credit goes to the original owner.