The Ruler of Books Tag

Hello fellow readers! I was not tagged by anyone to do this tag, but per usual I was watching various book related videos and stumbled upon this one. I tag anyone who wants to participate!

This tag was created by the very awesome Ariel Bissett over on YouTube so please go check out her video/channel!


Let me slip on my crown, get into character, and let’s get started!

-Samantha 🙂

1. What book would you make everyone readTOG-NYT-Cover

Easy, my choice will forever and always be Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas! Not only is she my author mother (does that make sense) but this book is like a very special sibling to me. It introduced me to Maas’s writing and it will forever be a favorite. Of course if I was a ruler this book would be everywhere and everyone would have to read it. Mwhaha

2. What would you abolish in book construction?

Hmm for this one I’m going to have to abolish when the book cover does not reach the edge of the book and there is this weird little sliver of space. Like why can’t the cover just go to the end?? Why make it shorter then the book pages? What kind of blasphemy?!

3. What author would you commission to write you any book?


………… SARAH J. MAAS IS THIS SURPRISING? But seriously that women could write my grocery list and I would fawn over it for hours and hours, put in a shadow box to keep it safe, and cry a thousand times over.

4. What book would you demote to the library basement to make room for new books?

It starts with an F… That’s right, Fifty Shades of Grey would be placed in the basement for various different reasons. I see a billion and one copies of this book everywhere. Bookstores, libraries, used bookstores, even my local grocery store. Different books can be displayed and cherished while those are brought down to the dungeon, I mean basement.


5. What cover artist would you commission to make a mural?


Alan Dingman, the cover artist for The Man Called Ove, is so amazing! I love that cover so much and I would love to see a whole mural with his art etched close to me.

The cover of the book is truly stunning and I love how it has the the blue sky, the cat, with the figure of a person walking. It just invites you in and makes you want to know more about the story and I think that is pretty magical in itself.

6. What characters face would you put on a coin?

This question is a tricky one for me! I think I will have to go with Kvothe from The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. I wouldn’t mind seeing those piercing eyes while paying for things and I don’t think my people would either. He really does have some amazing eyes.

7. What book would you award the “Ruler of Books” 2016 Prize to?

A Court of Mist and Fury ALLLLL the way! That book rules me if we’re being honest here. It is heartbreaking, romantic, soul crushing, breathtaking, and all around cry worthy! Once again my book mother has crushed the book game.


Top 5 Wednesday: Most Unlikable Characters

Hello fellow readers and happy Wednesday! Today for this week’s #T5W post I will be discussing my choices for the most unlikeable characters, just not villains! Also, I hope that you all continue to have a good week.

If you would like to join in on T5W please feel free to check out our Goodreads group. Let’s get started!

-Samantha 🙂


1. Dasha from The Bronze Horseman: Paullina Simons

Is it truly ever a Top 5 Wednesday without me talking about The Bronze Horseman? No! Ahaha but Dasha is no laughing matter. As the sister of sweet and gentle Tatiana you think she would be a likable character like her sister? Wrong. Dasha rubbed me the wrong way the entire book. She carried the opposite traits of her sister. She was self-centered, cruel, and though deep down she did love her family she rarely showed it.


2. Clary Fray from The Mortal Instruments: Cassandra Clare

I know for a fact that people with pitchforks will be standing outside my home after I post this. I KNOW! I just really didn’t like Clary as the series progressed. I found her annoying and whiny at points. At times her decisions made me want to toss the book outside. She just wasn’t my favorite character out of the book I guess you could say.


3. Bella Swan from The Twilight Saga: Stephenie Meyer

I don’t want to go too much into my dislike of Bella because this could turn into a very long post. She is just a character that grated on my nerves and she dulled the Twilight experience.


4. Gideon Cross from One with You: Sylvia Day

Okay so this character is a bit tricky. I really did enjoy Gideon in the beginning of this series but as it went on he secured his downfall from my good graces. He became a man that I didn’t like reading about and kept too many secrets. In the end, he wasn’t my favorite.


5. Tom from The Forbidden Game: L.J. Smith

This is probably my most strange unlikeable character because I really have no idea why I disliked him. For some odd reason I found myself always annoyed with Tom from this series! He wasn’t a bad guy and he was truly in love with Jenny but just something about him rubbed me the wrong way!

This or That? #49

Hello fellow readers and happy Tuesday! I hope that you have all been well and that your week’s are treating you kindly.

This or That is created by Rae over at bookmarkcronicles. Every week a bookish question is tossed out there and a choice must be made! On Fridays the topic choice winner is announced. Please head on over to her awesome blog and share some bookish love!

Have you ever enjoyed a movie adaptation better than the book itself?

Hmm this is a tough one for me! I’m on the fence because I feel both yes/no. There are movies that are amazing to their book counterparts and books that are way better than the movie adaption.

The Harry Potter movies for example are movies that I hold just a fraction below the books (I loved the movies!) but still I preferred the novels. Whereas I loved The Great Gatsby’s movie more then the book.

I guess it all comes down to preference and what you prefer! Some scenes are made to be preformed on screen to do them justice whereas there are times the book is better to be left alone without adding a movie to the picture.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

-Samantha 🙂

Top 5 Wednesday: Most Recent Additions to Your Wishlist

Hello fellow readers and happy Wednesday! It is officially the middle of the week and the weekend is so close I can almost touch it. I hope that you’re all doing well.

This weeks #T5W topic is all about out most recent additions to out wishlist’s. If you would like to join in on T5W please feel free to check out our Goodreads group. Let’s get started!

-Samantha 🙂


1. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany & Jack Thorne

OF COURSE THIS IS #1 IM HARRY POTTER TRASH!!! On a more serious note, I am so very excited for this book to come out. I’m anticipating being sucked back into Potter’s magical world and I cannot wait. (Releases 7/31/16)


2. The Girl on the Train: Paula Hawkins

I have heard raving reviews about this book and I have recently discovered that it is being turned into a movie. I have been itching to read a thriller and this is right up that alley.


3. Saga Vol. 4: Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples

After finishing Saga Vol. 3 a few weeks ago I have wanted to continue on with this graphic novel series. It is completely engrossing and intriguing. I really like Vaughan’s writing and portrayal of the characters is this intense world.


4. Stalking Jack the Ripper: Kerri Maniscalco

This book has yet to come out but I have been eagerly waiting its release for some months now. This young adult mystery sounds like it is going to be amazing! I have high hopes for this one. (Releases 9/20/16)


5. Nevernight: Jay Kristoff

This is another recent addition to my lists and I can’t wait for my pre-ordered copy to come! This book has one of my favorite things wrapped up in a big bow, fantasy. This book has yet to come out but it is eagerly anticipated. (Releases 8/9/16)

This or That? #48

Hello friends and happy Tuesday! I hope that each and every one of you is having a great day so far and that you had a good week last week. This week’s This or That? topic is great and I can’t wait to share my thoughts!

This or That is created by Rae over at bookmarkcronicles. Every week a bookish question is tossed out there and a choice must be made! On Fridays the topic choice winner is announced. Please head on over to her awesome blog and share some bookish love!

Is there a book or series that you enjoyed when you read it, but would change your mind about now?

Absolutely! I find that thoughts change as weeks/months/years go by. I personally am always changing my thoughts and opinions because I read so much that my mental booklist is always shifting. I take books off of that list and add new ones.

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer was this type of series for me! I read them in middle school when they were coming out and I was crazy about them. I would beg my mom to take me to Barnes and Noble when each book released because I had to get my hands on them.

After I finished the series, years later after I had read so many more books, I realized that it truly wasn’t as good as I had thought it to be. I had read other vampire books that I held at a high standard. My new thoughts were solidified after I re-read the series and experienced multiple cringe worthy moments.

What about you? What is a series that you have changed your mind about? Let me know! I hope you all continue to have a great Tuesday and take care.

-Samantha 🙂

Top 5 Wednesday: Books You Wish Had Sequels

Hello fellow readers and happy Wednesday! I hope that you are all doing well and that your week has been going as smoothly as possible thus far. Today’s #T5W topic is all about books that needed sequels or the last book in a series that shouldn’t have been the last.

If you would like to join in on T5W please feel free to check out our Goodreads group. Without further ado lets get started!

-Samantha 🙂


1. City of Heavenly Fire: Cassandra Clare

I really wished that there had been another book after City of Heavenly Fire! There were so many loose ends that could have been tied together better with more time to write them. I wished there has been more closure within this last book so maybe a short novella/novel after this one would have been much loved.


2. Carnival of Souls: Melissa Marr

At one point in time there had been talk of a sequel but there has been no move or announcement for one. I loved this book so much when I read it and I can remember wishing that there was another book to continue on with, especially since there is an ending that leaves the novel wide open for a second book.


3. The Forbidden Game: L.J. Smith

When I discovered that L.J. Smith was writing another volume of novels for the Forbidden Game series I cried tears of joy (I’m not kidding my family made fun of me for them) and couldn’t wait! Again, there was talk but no action and here I am two years after the news dropped still waiting for my Julian to return in more volumes.


4. Sempre Redemption: J.M. Darhower

I have raved and raved about the Sempre duology from J.M. Darhower. I just wished that after Sempre Redemption that we had one more novel telling the tale of how Haven and Carmine grew together through the years leading up to the novella Forever.


5. The Host: Stephenie Meyer

This book blew me away! I would love if there was a sequel to this book, especially with how it ends. I think that a sequel would be so appreciated and loved. I need more Wanderer/Melanie in my life!!

This or That? #47

Hello fellow readers and happy Tuesday! I’m sorry I’ve been so absent from the blogging world lately, work is taking over my life! I hope that you have all had a good past weekend and that your week has been kind to you so far.

This or That is created by Rae over at bookmarkcronicles. Every week a bookish question is tossed out there and a choice must be made! On Fridays the topic choice winner is announced. Please head on over to her awesome blog and share some bookish love!

Are you typically hesitant about lending your books to others?

“It depends” is not an option

Heck yes! I refuse to lend out my book because the amount of horror stories I have about my books being damaged is no joke.

For me to even consider lending out a book I need a typed essay, your drivers license, and a deposit. I’m just teasing! I don’t even consider lending out my books because I fear that they will be dog eared, scratched on the covers, or have drinks spilled on the pages.

My books are like my children and I would like them all safe and sound at home with their mother.

What about you? Is lending books to others something you do? Let me know in the comments!

-Samantha 🙂

Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite Books Outside Your Comfort Zone

Hello fellow readers! I hope that you are doing well and that your week has been kind to you. For today’s #T5W topic we will be discussing our favorite books that lay just outside our comfort zone.

If you would like to join in on T5W please feel free to check out our Goodreads group. Without further ado let us step outside the comfort zone and tread into the abyss.

-Samantha 🙂


1. The Running Man: Stephen King

It is so very rare when I pick up a science-fiction/horror book and one day this one happened to fall into my hands. I loved this book so much and it is an all time favorite of mine, especially since the experience I had with the people I was reading it was amazing.


2. The Help: Kathryn Stockett

I’m sneaking this book in because when I read it many years ago it was out of my comfort zone. I had never read historical fiction before and this was the first novel I had picked up. What an amazing read!! I highly recommend this stellar novel with strong characters that jump off the pages.


3. Of Mice and Men: John Steinbeck

Reading classic’s is so far out of my comfort zone I feel like I am wondering around a new world. In this case I was asked to read this novel as a summer reading assignment back in my freshman year of school and I grew attached quickly to the characters. I have since re-read the novel three times through high school, picking up more feelings each time.


4. Saga: Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples

I have just recently read volumes one through three of Saga and my mind was blown. I have never envisioned myself picking up a graphic novel and devouring it in one sitting. I just might be sneaking these into my comfort zone.


5. Seeds Volume One: M.M. Kin

This novel is all about greek mythology and it is amazing!!! I never saw myself picking it up but after reading reviews and finding out that it was the tale of Hades and Persephone I decided to give it a try and I’m glad I did. It was interesting and intriguing all in one.

This or That? #46

Hello fellow readers and happy Tuesday! Today we have an awesome topic for This or That? and I will be sharing my various thoughts on it. I apologize for getting this post to all of you later than usual, I just got off work. EEP

This or That is created by Rae over at bookmarkcronicles. Every week a bookish question is tossed out there and a choice must be made! On Fridays the topic choice winner is announced. Please head on over to her awesome blog and share some bookish love!

How do you feel about breaking the spines of a book?

Hmm this one is tricky for me! I hate seeing broken spines on my shelves and I dislike breaking them. I’m literally breaking a books back and that doesn’t settle well with me. I feel like a bad person if I do so!

I’m not a fan of cosmetic damage to my books. I want to preserve my books in the best condition possible or keep them in the condition that I discovered them in.

If it was a very hard book to read and breaking the spine would be the only way to delve into the book I think I would actually buy the Kindle copy or gently try to get around it. I have a book buying problem and I’ve just admitted it……

What would you do?! Are you a fan of breaking the spine? Let me know!!

Until we meet again,

Samantha 🙂

Sunday Post: 7/3/16

Hello fellow readers and happy Sunday! I hope that you all had a lovely week. I wish you the best week ahead!

The Sunday Post Meme was created by Kimberly over at  Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Please go check out her blog and share some book love!

Personal Update: 

Work work work work….. That is what my life has become! This past week I had very long shifts that I had to get used to so those took up all my time. I have made some new coworker friends so that is making it much more fun! Other than that nothing else is new for me.

This Week’s Posts:

Made: J.M. Darhower (Book Review)

This or That? #45

Top 5 Wednesday: Settings You Want to See More Of

June Book Haul

Upcoming Posts: 

Saga Vol. 1-3 Review

This or That? #46

T5W: Favorite Books Outside Your Comfort Zone

Currently Reading: 




I am only on chapter 3 of this book so far but it seems very interesting! I haven’t had too much free time to read so I am slowly trying to sneak in some time.




Have an amazing week and keep on reading!

-Samantha 🙂